Question & Anwer with our graduating seniors
posted on
July 22, 2023
How long have you worked at the farm and what roles have you played?
Sarah: I have worked at Lilac Hedge for about 7 years and have fulfilled just
about every role on the farm. When I was 14 years old, I started out
going to Farmers Markets in Boston and helping
out with chores. During the COVID pandemic as we transitioned into the
home delivery service I became a delivery driver and order packer,
working 50+ hrs a week while also finishing up my homework to graduate
high school online. And now as I am a college student
and have a summer job in my career field, I enjoy coming back in the
summertime to work in the farm bar on the weekends.
Jake: I’ve worked on the farm since April 2020 - a little over three years. I
started out packing orders and doing home deliveries, then moved over to
chores and animal care before managing the livestock side of things for
a few months over the summer last year. I now work alongside Jim our
farm manager and do various mechanical and animal projects, from fixing
fence to making facility repairs around the farm.
What is your favorite part about working at the farm?
Sarah: My favorite part about working on the farm is the family like atmosphere
we have created. You have probably seen it referred to as the "farmily"
and I truly think that is the only way to
describe it. It is very rewarding to work somewhere that the people
really care about the success of the business and the agricultural
Jake: My favorite part about working at the farm is the cattle
- I love spending time out in the fields with the herd and seeing all
the little calves run around in their own mini herd!
What have you learned from working here?
Sarah: Not only have I learned the importance of hard work, I have learned time
management (if you know me you know this is something I still tend to
struggle with) and customer service skills.
Jake: When I first started at the farm I didn’t know nearly
anything about agriculture at all. Working at Lilac has given me tons of
hands-on animal experience, from tagging and vaccinating cattle to
driving tractors and equipment and everything in between.
Best memory from the Hedge?
Sarah: While I do have a lot of favorite memories on the Hedge, the first one
that comes to my mind is turkey week. For as long as I can remember the
week before Thanksgiving has always been the
most tiring days of the year, but these are also the days that hold
some of my favorite memories. The time spent together packing orders,
delivering orders to drop off locations and the celebration after
knowing that thousands of families have their farm
fresh thanksgiving turkey is truly something I look forward to every
Jake: My favorite memory from the Hedge is driving our float
in the Rutland Fourth of July parade! Everyone from the farm gets on our
floats behind some of our tractors and drives through the center of
Rutland for their Fourth of July festivities, with a contest for who can
decorate the best float.
What are your life plans moving forward?
Sarah: At the end of August I will be heading back to Kansas State University
where I will be a senior (crazy right) studying Agricultural Education.
After I graduate in May 2024 I plan to be a
high school agriculture teacher and FFA advisor.
Jake: I’ll be graduating NC State University in December with a
degree in Mechanical Engineering and a minor in Animal Science
(inspired by my time at the Hedge) and commissioning into the United
States Air Force as a 2d Lieutenant. I’m hoping to go to pilot training
to fly, and will find out if I’m selected in August!
Favorite cut of meat?
Sarah: Ribeye
Jake: My favorite cut of meat is our teriyaki steak tips.
During COVID while we were all working late nights making sure the
orders got packed, we would grill up a pack or two to share among the
staff and they were always delicious.

Sarah, Marielle and Tyler working a farm festival 7 years ago.
Below: Jake and Cass, our dromedary camel.